Copyright © 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001 by Galen Daryl Knight and VitaleTherapeutics, Inc.

Other's Carbon NMR of Vitaletheine Modulators

Subtle adjustments to the shifts of these spectra may have occurred as the reference signals were aligned for TMS (0) and DMSO (39.7); assignment priorities were given to TMS and then DMSO. When none of these reference signals were present, the alignment was kept as close as possible to the originally-obtained spectra.

The absence of peaks in the 110 to 120 ppm range for these preparations of the "benzyl derivative" and "vitaletheine V4" is consistent with dehydration or loss of ZnO, respectively. Differences in some of the peak intensities and in the relative positions of peaks between these preparations and the authentic compounds, and even those differences noted for the alleged sulfonate preparations from modified procedures (probably sulfinates) used by others, are quite small, but discernible upon careful inspection.

The slightest indication of an upfield shoulder on the peak at about 170 ppm in this "vitaletheine V4" preparation is not well represented after processing into gif files. However, this may be another slight indication that ZnO can be lost after exposure to dehyrating and hypobaric conditions.

Differences between the spectra of ß-alethine and vitalethine are nearly indiscernible as an overlay of the former on the latter illustrates.

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